Astrochemistry – Page 4
Searching for the chemistry of life on exoplanets
The protoplanetary discs that surround young stars and give birth to planets are chemical labs that can reveal which planets might host life
Life on other planets
A series of missions to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn has revealed their potential to harbour life. Nina Notman looks to the skies
First aromatic molecule identified in interstellar space
Radio astronomy analysis picks benzonitrile signal out of the noise
Organic coat might explain interstellar object’s missing tail
Blanket of icy compounds could have protected ‘Oumuamua from the sun’s heat
Origin of mysterious interstellar emissions identified
Bending in chicken wire molecules found to cause the strange signals from outer space
Heavy elements forged by cataclysmic cosmic collision
First sighting of two neutron stars merging reveals how heavy elements are synthesised
Cometary chloromethane detection scuppers use of chemical in hunt for ET
Organohalogen found simultaneously in the tail of a comet and the cloud surrounding a protostar
Enceladus seen expelling methanol into space
Surprise discovery in the moon’s gaseous plumes
What can we learn from asteroids?
Flying space rocks could hold the answer to the origins of life
Watery atmosphere discovered on Neptune-sized exoplanet
Data from Hubble and Spitzer telescopes gives clues to planet’s formation
Oxygen first formed in the universe at least 13 billion years ago
Study of interstellar dust pushes earliest known discovery of oxygen back by 100 million years
New type of metal–organic compound discovered in meteorites
Magnesium complex could offer new insights into formation of our solar system
Rosetta captures comet dust after finally finding Philae
Analysis of ancient dust particles from 67P reveals primitive organic compounds
Oxygen measured for the first time in a galaxy far, far away
Data offers snapshot of evolving galaxy 12 billion light years away
Model hints at prebiotic chemistry on Titan
Saturn’s largest moon may be rich in hydrogen cyanide based polymers
Iron-rich silicate plays cosmic matchmaker
Findings could help explain abundance of molecular hydrogen in interstellar space
Earthly xenon’s asteroid origins reveal planet’s genesis
Discovery that atmospheric xenon is unrelated to that in the mantle hints at two separate extra-terrestrial ‘deliveries’ of the element
Rosetta detects oxygen on comet 67P
Molecular oxygen has been detected in the coma of a comet for the first time