All Atoms and bonds articles – Page 12
Chloride ion central to first synthesis of a siladodecahedrane
Three-step synthesis creates a platonic solid out of silicon
The search for the grand unification of aromaticity
Researchers have been trying to find a full definition of aromaticity for almost two centuries, and yet keep discovering new types
Newly discovered marine compound is in a super-carbon-chain league of its own
Isolated from algae, Benthol A has 35 stereocentres
Molecular light switch speeds up tricky cyclodextrin synthesis
Reaction could lower cost of useful macrocycle
First nanocluster that’s a superatom inside a superatom
Heterometal doping strategy used to make an unusual structure where one superatom is contained inside another
Chemists control reaction path with mechanical force
Mechanochemical mechanism exploited to access unconventional trajectories on a reaction’s potential energy surface
Chemists reconsider C–H and C–C bond length rationale
Quantitative proof for steric repulsion theory
Gold double helix assembles with DNA-like precision
DNA construction principles create first ever double-helical gold nanocluster assembly
Best sighting yet of exotic crystals composed entirely of electrons
2D materials used to stabilise Wigner crystals
Computational technique brings protein images into focus
Localisation algorithm breaks AFM resolution limits
Molecular machines talk to living cells for the first time
Artificial molecular motors gently pull on cells’ membrane receptors to trigger a biochemical response
Origin of mysterious alpha effect in nucleophilic substitution reactions unveiled
Alpha nucleophiles’ ability to get close to electrophiles – rather than their intramolecular lone pair repulsion – gives them unusual reactivity
Fun with f-elements
Working with lanthanides and actinides may be challenging, but David Mills says the field is ripe for discovery
Scientists uncover pitfalls of letting algorithms determine crystal structures
Chemists warn not to blindly trust x-ray crystallography software after finding and correcting mistakes in iodine azide structures
More metallomimetic chemistry from boron
One boron atom bonds like a transition metal in two different ways
Anti-electrostatic halogen bonding shown in solution for the first time
UV-vis spectroscopy and computational analysis explore nature of counterintuitive anionic interaction
Potassium’s electrons slowly transform into anions under pressure
Electride transition solves the mystery of how a liquid can be denser than a close-packed solid
Bond between artificial and natural atom measured for the first time
Chemists reveal the tiny forces in chemical bonds between quantum corrals and AFM tip atoms