All articles by Bea Perks – Page 7
1 July 2005: Drop in ocean pH confirmed
The average pH of the oceans will fall by up to 0.5 units by 2100 if global emissions of carbon dioxide continue to rise at present rates.
30 June 2005: The colour of strawberry allergy
The mystery of why some people are allergic to strawberries is about to be revealed.
30 June 2005: SMEs need more support to develop sustainable products
Small- to medium-sized businesses in the UK are not getting the support needed to address key challenges in green product design, say leading strategists.
28 June 2005: UK regulations on hazardous substances updated
Amended UK regulations covering ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate and petroleum products will come into effect at the end of June, the Health and Safety Executive has announced.
24 June 2005:
Cancer research at three institutions is to benefit from the latest Proof of Concept awards announced by Scottish Enterprise.
24 June 2005: Evacuation not always the best option in chemical incidents
Evacuating people from their homes might not be the best course of action in the wake of a chemical incident, experts announced today.
22 June 2005: Prime Minister addresses RSC meeting
The central position of science and technology at this year's G8 summit was driven home when Prime Minister Tony Blair made an unprecedented appearance at an RSC meeting.
16 June: Blue light shines on polymer light emitting diodes
Researchers have discovered families of stable blue-light emitting materials that could overcome a longstanding drawback of polymer light-emitting diodes.
14 June 2005: Scottish research institute faces falling funds
The Hannah Research Institute (HRI) in Ayr, Scotland faces an uncertain future.
9 June 2005: Causing a stir in microfluidics
The time it takes to analyse a blood sample could be slashed with a device that, in the words of its inventor, looks like a plastic coffee stirrer.
2 June 2005: UK U-turn on boycott of Israeli universities
An academics' union in the UK has voted to overturn its highly controversial, widely publicised boycott of two Israeli universities.
31 May 2005: Manage your water and your profits
Efficient water management is imperative for chemical, pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies, report claims.
International chemical identifier goes online
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (Iupac) has released the first version of its long-awaited International Chemical Identifier
27 May 2005: Chemists at the South Pole
British chemists are meeting to discuss findings from the longest-running and most detailed yet survey of atmospheric chemistry in Antarctica.
24 May 2005: Europe describes future chemists
Ministers in charge of the Bologna Process met in Bergen, Norway to adopt an overarching framework for qualifications in the European Higher Education Area.
13 May 2005: Chemistry of cinema snacks
Food chemists in the US - a nation with a term for the hard bits of popcorn that don't go pop - have discovered a way to maximise pop-ability.
Viagra hope for hypertensive mothers-to-be
The anti-impotence drug viagra offers a potential treatment for pregnant women at risk of developing preeclampsia
Queen's Awards highlight UK chemical industry
The chemical sector is a clear winner among this year's Queen's Awards for Enterprise, announced at the end of April.
Deadly protests in China
Not everyone in China welcomes the unprecedented growth in the country's chemical industry