All beer articles
What’s lurking in your drink and drugs?
How to test illicit substances at festivals and identify the rodent in your beer
Brewing better Belgian beer with artificial intelligence
Machine learning tool can predict a beer’s taste and quality and which flavour compounds could improve it
Beer byproduct used as a binder in paintings during the Danish Golden Age
Scientists identify proteins from cereal species using mass spectrometry
Sour beer compounds tracked during brewing process
Chemists partner with a California brewery to elucidate the complex flavours in tart beers
Beer engineered in pursuit of hoppiness
Crispr-augmented brewer’s yeast produces flavour molecules, enabling hoppy beer without adding extra hops
Explainer: non-alcoholic beer and wine
For Dry January and beyond, drinkers are thirsty for beers and wines that don’t get you drunk
Beer: Music to your taste buds
Andy Extance goes on tour in the UK and Belgium and compares the science behind the different processes used by craft and mass brewers
Former Carlsberg chemist to join ERC as new vice president
Organic chemist Klaus Bock will replace Sierd Cloetingh as one of the pan-European funder’s vice presidents
Chemistry World podcast – May 2015
We find out how nanotoxicology could be holding back development, and ask if ‘patent or perish’ should be the new academic adage
Shipwrecked beer from 1840s lives again
170-year-old beer recreated with help from chemists
Chemistry by the tun
Emma Davies talks to the chemists using their science skills to set up stills and brew up beverages
Isoamyl acetate
It makes a sweet banana-flavoured treat, but can ruin home brewed beer; Jenna Bilbrey introduces isoamyl acetate
A pint a day
Sterile, free of toxic metals, isotonic and good for the heart, beer is undeserving of decades of bad press.