Chemical bonding – Page 4
First ever synthesis of most double-bond-rich hydrocarbon
Tiny hydrocarbon with six double bonds has unrivalled ability to make complex ring systems though multiple Diels–Alder reactions
First molecular knots made from just benzene rings
Catenane and trefoil knot are the first mechanically interlocked molecules made from only carbon and hydrogen
Do you know about C–H‧‧‧O?
The C–H‧‧‧O hydrogen bond controversy has long been resolved – we should tell our students
The forgotten female crystallographer who discovered C–H⋯O bonds
Andy Extance tells the overlooked story of crystallographer June Sutor, whose C–H⋯O bonding hypothesis was unjustly suppressed
The third degree on actinide covalency
The often ignored elements are attracting chemists’ attention again
Study ranks interactions between hydrogen-bond acceptors and cations
Experiments establish a set of parameters that will help scientists predict the free energies of the interaction between cations and hydrogen-bond acceptors in any solvent with good reliability
Bond order through a molecular orbital lens
Study computes diatomic bond orders across the periodic table and reveals new bonding insights
Strange bonds entirely new to chemists predicted in ammonia hydrides
High pressure compound containing bridging hydrogen cations might be found inside Neptune and Uranus
New family of polymers can be easily recycled and even upcycled
Dynamic covalent bonds means polymers can be taken apart by acid
Synthetic molecules fold up into abiotic proteins
Compound that self-assembles into giant folded ring could help scientists design bespoke abiotic proteins
Longest silicon—silicon double bond has two-faced reactivity
First hypercoordinated disilene’s extra-long silicon–silicon double bond gives it ambivalent reactivity
Newest tetrel bond is five times stronger than its peers
First intermolecular three-centre four-electron bond could unravel fleeting intermediate’s nature
Bonding rethink called for as new metavalent bond proposed
Combination of elements in the metalloid region of periodic table produces a bond with both metallic and covalent characteristics
World record for longest carbon–carbon bond broken
Carborane bond surpasses previous longest bond after just nine months in the top spot
Molecular decoration determines origin of MOF acidity
Analytical combo used to pinpoint strong Brønsted acid site in promising next-generation solid acid catalyst
Hydrogen sulfide surprises as it's discovered to have hydrogen bonds
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling was wrong – H2S does form hydrogen bonds after all
Rules to distinguish between tetrel and hydrogen bonds
Quantum calculations reveal subtle but significant geometric differences
Inorganic molecule mimics odd benzene isomer
Zwitterionic boron–nitrogen compound has σ bond between two π orbitals
The bonds that bind
Chemical bonds continue to fascinate chemists – and bring us together too