All carboxylic acids articles
Electrochemical conversion of acids to alkenes achieved on kilogram scale
Efficient production of valuable alkenes achieved under mild conditions by reversing hydrocarboxylation reaction
Water works as medium for reactions that reduce carboxylic acids
Catalytic system works on a wide range of acid substrates and doesn’t require precious metals or air and moisture intolerant reagents
Algorithm can map scores of possible chemical transformations for any set of reactants
New tool could help scientists to control the properties of target molecules by simply switching the reaction while using the same starting materials
Waste vegetable oils turned into chemicals for drugs and plastics
Dual catalytic system converts complex carboxylic acids into terminal alkenes
Carboxylic acid layer integral to titanium dioxide self-cleaning method
Tricky surface analysis reveals unexpected mechanism
Corn-fed bioelectrorefinery harnesses excess electricity
Drop-in fuel production process clocks up sustainability points