All Careers advice articles – Page 6
Returning from maternity leave
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts shares her thoughts as she prepares to return to the world of work after maternity leave
Unwelcome festive offerings
It’s not easy to learn you’re going to lose your job, especially at this time of year
All the fun of the fair
Roll up, roll up! Everyone’s a winner! Julie Franklin explains how to make the most of a trip to the recruitment fair
Mind your own business
Many dream of being their own boss, but few make the choice, and fewer succeed. Yfke Hager gets some entrepreneurial advice from those who’ve made it
The master plan
Laura Woodward describes some simple strategies to manage your career and take control of your future
High unemployment in Europe drives brain drain
Andy Extance finds out how economic woes in southern European countries’ are affecting young chemists
Dealing with redundancy
Facing unemployment can be frightening, but keep calm and consider your options before you carry on, says Laura Woodward
Beginner's guide to book writing
Thinking about writing a book? Before taking the plunge, heed the advice of those who’ve done it all before. Hayley Birch talks to the experts
Climbing the ladder
Simon Perks gets some tips to help early career chemists survive in academia
Admissions advice
With university places at a premium, Emma Stoye gets some tips on standing out and securing a place on the right course
Looking good on LinkedIn
Laura Woodward gives some advice on using your online presence to make connections, attract employers and get the job you want
Prepare for interview success
Getting ready for a job interview will make all the difference, so do your homework first, says Laura Woodward
Maternity leave and your rights
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts covers the employments rights of mums (and dads) to be
Compute with confidence
Charlotte Ashley Roberts gives some advice on finding a job as a computational chemist and the importance of staying positive
Any volunteers?
Volunteering is a great way to broaden your skills and experience, says Charlotte Ashley-Roberts
Feed the world
Charlotte Ashley-Roberts takes a look at opportunities for chemists in agricultural science
Write all about it
Chemists with a nose for news and a flair for writing may enjoy life as a science writer, reports Nina Notman
The social network
The virtual world can be a powerful networking tool if you know how to use it. Charlotte Ashley-Roberts explains how