All chemical recycling articles – Page 2
Designer plastic can be recycled over and over again
Bicyclic thiolactone building block makes for high-quality polymers with chemical recyclability
Addressing the plastics problem
Sustainability must be fully incorporated into material design
The plastic sorting challenge
Before we can recycle many plastics, they must be sorted into separate streams. Angeli Mehta finds out how
Taking responsibility for waste
How well are companies that produce and use plastics living up to their duty?
Plastic recycling heading for the mainstream
Nina Notman talks to some of the companies launching chemical recycling technologies for single-use plastics
Recycling clothing the chemical way
Nina Notman explores how chemistry is poised to close the loop in clothing recycling
Towards a new plastics economy
Global change is needed to avert disaster, says the Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Plastic-eating bacteria show way to recycle plastic bottles sustainably
Two bacterial enzymes can break up PET polymer into its building blocks
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