Climate science – Page 7
Converting waste plastic bottles into jet fuel
Simple three-step process generates minimal waste and diverts plastic from landfill
‘Fly or die’ for success in academia is a myth
Study finds little evidence that getting ahead in research rests on jetting around the world
Asthmatics encouraged to switch to lower carbon footprint inhalers
The majority of inhalers prescribed in UK contain a potent greenhouse gas
Renewables a better bet to cut carbon emissions than carbon capture and storage
Slow uptake and higher energy pay-off make CCS less effective route to reducing emissions
Liquid metal turns back time on fossil fuel burning
Electrochemical reduction with liquid metal electrode converts carbon dioxide back into carbon
EU creates €10 billion fund for climate friendly technology
Investment programme aims to boost low-carbon technologies in Europe
The scientists Making Our Planet Great Again
Four researchers explain why they answered President Macron’s call to come to France
Taking the pressure off catalytic carbon dioxide conversion
Chemists obtain formate from carbon dioxide at atmospheric pressure without using hydrogen gas
Biomass carbon capture pilot points to a new sector whose time has come
Drax project is first of a raft of schemes poised to come online in the UK
Thinking differently about waste
Plastic and carbon emissions are valuable resources we can’t afford to discard
The Weather Detective: Rediscovering Nature’s Secret Signs
Peter Wohlleben’s book shows urbanites how to re-connect with nature through the weather
EU sets target for its economy to be climate neutral by 2050
European commission looking to new technologies and policy changes to make the EU the first major economy to be net zero emissions
Negative emissions technology needed to remove CO2 and head off climate change
Technologies that pull carbon dioxide from the air and sequester it are economically viable and part of package of measures to mitigate climate change, US National Academies says
Paint achieves seemingly impossible by cooling buildings in direct sun
Coating offers a route to zero-carbon air conditioning
Building resilience to climate threats
As extreme weather events become more frequent, chemical and pharmaceutical producers are taking steps to fend them off in future
Burning planet: the story of fire through time
Andrew C Scott’s book charts the natural history of wildfire and its ability to provide clues to events on Earth
New chemistry enables UK negative carbon dioxide emissions pilot
Carbon capture is back at Drax, thanks to more energy efficient absorption technology
The many lives of carbon
Dag Olav Hessen leaves no stone - or diamond - unturned in his account of element six
An Antarctic researcher's field diary
Karen Assmann records her latest expedition to the world’s southern continent