All Collaboration articles – Page 4
Jumping the vaccine queue
Deals between companies and rich governments offset manufacturing risks, but must not compromise supplies to those in need
Covid-19 vaccine deals risk skewing supply
International accords including Covax aiming to ensure equitable distribution to poorer countries
How chemo-ethnography puts chemistry in context
New social science fields are exploring how chemists and chemicals affect society
Chemists amid coronavirus: Anton Toutov
Fuzionaire’s cofounder and chief scientist reflects on how Covid-19 has affected his growing company
From collaboration to collusion
The US government’s crackdown on academics not declaring Chinese funding highlights a moral hazard
The citizen scientists sharing their own data during the Covid-19 pandemic
Groups are using data from wearables and apps to chart the spread of infection
Collaboration is key to AI-aided drug discovery
The AI Cures project shows how artificial intelligence can assist the search for a cure for Covid-19
How to lead a research team
By building skills to support your lab members, you lay the foundation for success
Chemists amid coronavirus: Edgar Cahoon
Labs are still open at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, US, but it’s not business as usual
When should you help your colleagues?
Assisting trustworthy co-workers can pay dividends for your career and wellbeing
Plane shot down by Iran had dozens of Canadian scientists on board
Canadian academic community mourns the deaths of students and colleagues
Learning through citizen science
Partnerships between scientists, social scientists and schools prove educational for all
Sharing equipment responsibly
How the Swedish principle of collective responsibility keeps science running smoothly
Science really does advance one funeral at a time, study suggests
The death of a scientific superstar can open up a field
Science scorecards reveal state of research in G20 nations
Performance measured using data on funding, gender balance and open access