All Culture and people articles – Page 147
Developments in chemical education
At the American Chemical Society meeting we heard about how students are now engaging in alternative ways of communicating and promoting science
Wendy Brown: Space dust chemistry
The University of Sussex’s Wendy Brown explains how astrochemical research is done in the lab
Get prepped
What should you look for in those lab workhorses: balances, stirrer plates and mills? Elisabeth Jeffries surveys the scene
Cost of scientific misconduct smaller than feared
Analysis puts a price on misconduct for US funder and claims it only comes to $58 million over 10 years
Organic photovoltaics: materials, device physics, and manufacturing technologies
Lights, chemicals, action!
The science of Shakespeare: a new look at the playwright’s universe
More things in heaven and Earth
Falling behind: boom, bust & the global race for scientific talent
More scientists, more problems?
Acid rain and the rise of the environmental chemist in 19th century Britain
It never rains but it corrodes
Ice cold chemist
Eric Wolff constructs the chemistry of ancient climate from Antarctic ice cores. Nina Notman reports
It came from the blog
Is blogging an innocuous pastime? Or could it help, or even harm, your career? Hayley Birch investigates
Stefano Farris: Food packaging chemistry
Stefano Farris discusses how his research could help reduce the amount of plastic used to wrap ham, cheese and pasta
History of King Richard III written in his teeth
Chemical analysis of isotope signatures in monarch’s remains provide insight into his life
Former Royal Society of Chemistry president dies
John Mason Ward, an active member of the chemistry community and power industry chemist, has died aged 92
Research on ice at British Antarctic base
Coolant leak means experiments at the research station are unlikely to start again until the summer
Yongmei Zheng: Spider silk and butterfly wings
Yongmei Zheng talks to Jennifer Newton about materials than can manipulate water droplets
US labs urged to develop stronger ‘culture of safety’
Report looks at new ways to prevent lethal accidents in chemistry labs