All Culture and people articles – Page 153
A close look at microscopy
Elisabeth Jeffries zooms in on scanning probe microscopy and other techniques
Nobel double whammy for chemistry
Is ‘they don’t do “real” chemistry’ the worst argument ever?
What are you afraid of?
The public’s mistrust of ‘chemicals’ will take great efforts to repair. Katharine Sanderson looks at the ‘c’-word
Silenced scientists speak out in Canada
Survey finds government scientists unable to talk to the media about their work, even if the environment or public health are threatened
Flashback: 1988 – British Biotechnology
The excitement surrounding the Oxford based firm was unfortunately not to last
Nobel peace prize goes to body that aims to eliminate chemical weapons
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons wins prize after recent work destroying Syria’s chemical arsenal
Paving the way to polythene
It is 50 years since Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta won the Nobel prize for their work on polymers
Computational chemists take Nobel prize
‘Secret handshake’ that joined up quantum physics with classical molecular mechanics grabs science’s top gong