All Culture and people articles – Page 191
Astronomy and Nature
Science and controversy: A biography of Sir Norman Lockyer, founder editor of Nature
Relativistically speaking
Relativistic quantum chemistry: The fundamental theory of molecular science
Sauce for organic chemistry
W H Perkin Jr, Robert Robinson, Ewart Jones and Jack Baldwin - giants of the DP
Profile: Speaking of science
In just a few short years Karen Bultitude has switched from scientific research to become a sought-after science communicator, writes Helen Carmichael
Ostwald's viscometer
One man who took little on trust was Wilhelm Ostwald. Born in Riga, Latvia, he studied chemistry at the University of Dorpat (now Tartu, Estonia).
Chemical societies in Europe
Creating networks in chemistry: the founding and early history of chemical societies in Europe
Spotlight on the British Einstein
Dirac was a strange, taciturn character but a brilliant scientist