Concepts and methods of 2D infrared spectroscopy

Concepts and methods of 2D infrared spectroscopy

Peter Hamm and Martin Zanni

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press 2011 | 296pp | ?60.00 (HB)

ISBN 9781107000056

Reviewed by Neil Hunt 


© Cambridge University Press

The technique of ultrafast 2D-IR spectroscopy has emerged over the last decade or so as an exciting new tool for examining molecular structure and vibrational dynamics. In particular it has shown significant potential for examining the mechanisms of solution phase reactions and the behaviour of biologically important molecules.

This book has been written by two authors who have made some significant contributions to the development of 2D-IR to the point where it is now plausible that non-specialists can exploit this potential to gain new insights into systems
of interest.

The aims and scope of the book are to give a solid grounding in the theory and methodology of 2D-IR spectroscopy at a level that is accessible by postgraduate students or researchers entering the field for the first time. In this it achieves its aims, being both well written and easily understandable even when dealing with the complexities of vibrational coupling, field matter interactions and nonlinear optics.

The many aspects of applying 2D-IR spectroscopy in the lab from the different experimental set-ups to data handling and analysis of the spectral line positions and shapes that the new 2D-IR spectroscopist will encounter are dealt with in a straightforward and clear fashion and many examples of sources where further information can be obtained are provided.

The book also gives an overview of the current state of the art of 2D-IR spectroscopy in a way that is informative and supports the overall aims of introducing the field.

This text is, to my knowledge, the first to attempt a comprehensive introduction to 2D-IR spectroscopy. It achieves this extremely well and should be recommended reading for all students entering the field, irrespective of their level of experience.