Name reactions: a collection of detailed reaction mechanisms

Name reactions: a collection of detailed reaction mechanisms

Jie Jack Li 

Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag 2009 | 621pp | ?69.99 (HB)

ISBN 9783642010521

Reviewed by Gordon Fisher 

This is the 4th edition of a classic collection of organic reactions which have been named after the original chemist with which they are associated. It now covers over 300 classical and contemporary name reactions. Each entry includes the name of the reaction, a short description, the step-by-step mechanism, two to three representative examples and a list of references, updated in many cases up to 2009. Biographical sketches for the chemists who discovered or developed those name reactions have been included. 


A useful resource for senior undergraduate and graduate students for learning and exams, but also a good reference book for all organic chemists.