All articles by Dalmeet Singh Chawla
Last year a top Syrian chemist was murdered. The problem is he never existed
Fake news about assassinated scientists was ‘disturbing and distressing’ for targets
Thousands of published studies may contain images with incorrect copyright licences
Questions raised over copyright licence that covers images created using scientific illustration service Biorender
Award-winning chemist threatens to sue critic
Tensions flare in latest dispute over spherical nucleic acid technology
Should scientists be paid when AI chatbots use their work?
Two major scientific publishers have recently sold access to research papers to train AIs at big tech firms
Japanese chemistry institute sues archival site for hosting discontinued journal
Case could set an important precedent if it reaches court
Legal threats, online trolls and low pay: the world of scientific sleuth Elisabeth Bik
Chemistry World catches up with one of the world’s leading scientific integrity experts
Integrity specialist has no case to answer over blackmail, extortion allegations, French officials find
Elisabeth Bik, famed for her research integrity work, admits that she is relieved that the investigation is over
A key chemistry journal disappeared from the web. Others are at risk
Japanese scientific society suspends journal publication saying it has ‘completed its role’
Why is plagiarism apparently more common in research funded by the NSF than the NIH?
Figures just out reveal that the US National Science Foundation received 54 allegations of research misconduct in the 2022–23 financial year
Dedicated committee needed to tackle research reproducibility problems in the UK
UK House of Commons report suggests government needs to play a bigger role addressing issues affecting science
Chemistry bots under threat from changes to Twitter’s API rules
Bots that collate papers and provide retrosynthetic analysis could all end if charges are introduce
Journals to trial tool that automatically flags reproducibility and transparency issues in papers
Software aims to check a paper’s trustworthiness
French inquiry censures lab that promoted hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid
Report raises awkward questions about prominent study on antimalarial conducted in Didier Raoult’s lab
Best-selling chemistry textbook is now free
New edition of John McMurry’s Organic Chemistry will be open access after author discovers copyright loophole
Protective treatment for Covid-19 makes minimal impact
Limited uptake of antibody combination for vulnerable patients, while demand for antivirals seems to be slowing
Top Russian university officials’ predatory publishing record points to deeper malaise
Universities are struggling with serious problems with plagiarism, gift authorship and ethical violations
Cancer progression and harmful bacteria tracked with next-generation sequencing
Proof-of-principle study keeps an eye on leukaemia mutations and bacterial strains in patients
800 crystallography-related papers appear to stem from one paper mill
Preprint reports questionable images in papers that are all from authors based at Chinese hospitals
China grapples with lab safety following huge growth in student numbers
Study exposes serious incidents and deaths at universities
ResearchGate responsible for illegal content on its site, German court rules
Academic networking site plans to appeal the decision