Disease – Page 8
Vaccines central to efforts to head off latest Ebola outbreak
Ring vaccination strategy could halt disease in its tracks provided health systems can cope
Calcium hypochlorite
A component of 'trench atmosphere' and ‘the most powerful antiseptic known’, Mike Freemantle explores calcium hypochlorite and the birth of a chemical dynasty
Problems of an ageing population addressed by extra UK funding
£300 million from fund will go towards research on dementia and personalised medicine
Soil search unearths new class of antibiotics
Malacidins have a novel mode of action and can kill MRSA
Dementia slips down pharma agenda
Pfizer, Shire, Acorda and Axovant rethink their neuroscience strategies
Food additive may have given deadly bacterium its chance
Trehalose sugar offers competitive advantage to virulent strains of gut bacterium C. difficile
Staying one step ahead of the game
Clare Sansom examines the need for agile drug development when tackling emerging viral disease outbreaks
Quick test on pinprick of blood could help stop Ebola in its tracks
Portable Raspberry Pi-based device accurately detects viruses in micro droplet of whole blood
Explainer: What is cryo-electron microscopy
The science behind the 2017 Nobel prize in chemistry
Gut bugs hijacking our signalling could treat disease
Gastrointestinal microflora found to produce a profusion of molecules that can affect human health
Single-cell imaging spots resistant infections in less than half an hour
Microfluidic device allows speedy susceptibility testing so the right antibiotic can be given
Exhibition: Open for discovery
The Francis Crick Institute’s first exhibition showcases its scientists’ research
India's HIV/Aids law may bring relief to a million people
Legislation aims to tackle stigma of testing and treatment
Crispr enables rapid disease detection
A Crispr enzyme that targets RNA can recognise Zika at minute concentrations
15-minute test catches out flu virus
A cheap, portable setup to detect influenza viruses could help clinicians prescribe the right drugs
How we are fighting tropical diseases
Repellents and vaccines are useful but still need further improvement
Expanding precision medicine beyond cancer
Exclusive interview with Koustubh Ranade, vice president of R&D at MedImmune
Alzheimer’s disease: have drug developers been on the wrong track?
Dementia drug developers urged to look beyond amyloid