Earth science – Page 6
The China CFC dilemma
New production breaking the Montreal Protocol demands a concerted response
Preserving the Naica Cave of Crystals
Visitors are changing the chemistry of a natural wonder of the world
Burning planet: the story of fire through time
Andrew C Scott’s book charts the natural history of wildfire and its ability to provide clues to events on Earth
First atomic images of mysterious ocean carbon
Atomic force microscopy reveals structures of deep ocean’s organic compounds
Dorset geology gives clues to past life on Mars
Fossilised microorganisms at England’s south coast offer clues to those studying the red planet
Iron-rich rock helps oceans sink atmospheric carbon
Pouring powdered peridotites into the sea could be another way to combat climate change
London soil pollution worst on former Blitz bomb sites
Study links heavy metal enrichment to destruction of housing in 1940s
Abandoned Cornish mine may hold clues to uranium clean-up
First time arsenic has been found to lock up uranium in a mineral
Fossil isotopes reveal life’s diversity 3.5 billion years ago
Early microbes evolved distinct metabolisms based around hydrogen sulfide and methane
Ancient Egyptian uprisings triggered by volcanic eruptions
New evidence that changes in atmospheric chemistry caused social stresses and uprisings against the ruling elite
What is the secret of Crudale Meadow?
A damp patch of land in Orkney holds answers locked in time
Cars blamed for black patch blight on historic monuments
Rock varnish growth also linked to sealants used in conservation
Mild method turns common mineral into fertiliser
Process could cut transportation costs and save farmers money
Methane-led climate change explains early Mars’ wet spells
Red planet’s wobbles could have led to melting of methane clathrates and warming
Titanium analysis puts new date on Earth’s continental crust
Tectonic plates may have begun colliding 500 million years earlier than previously thought
Recycling is taking back plastic
Angeli Mehta explores the evolution of plastic recycling technology and looks to a rubbish-free future
Fresh water and electricity out of the blue
Hybrid system produces steam and electricity from saltwater
Ancient ocean oxygen tracked using thallium
Cretaceous oceans gradually lost oxygen before the dramatic anoxic event that led to mass extinction
The planet in a pebble: a journey into Earth's deep history
How the interplay between physics, chemistry, biology and geology forms our world