All Education articles – Page 9
Education specialists in science faculties keep on growing
Specialised teaching roles have expanded 51% in California State University system in 10 years
50 years after sexism forced her out of chemistry Cheryl Dembe is graduating
University of Chicago recognises PhD research carried out a lifetime ago
Accessible science education
Nina Notman hears from some of the leading lights in the quest to make chemistry education accessible to all
Are you slowly turning into your supervisor?
Old habits die hard – even when they’re someone else’s…
Contrary to received wisdom graduates from prestigious institutions aren’t more productive
Study finds that it is the working environment of an institution that predicts a young researcher’s output
India’s doctorate dilemma
Why thousands of PhD chemists in India are without a permanent position
India's science secretary Ashutosh Sharma on the country's PhD pipeline
’The best of India’s PhD graduates should not remain mere job seekers’
Japanese professor could face prison after teaching students to make MDMA
Matsuyama University pharmaceutical researcher could be jailed for up to 10 years
Bangor University confirms chemistry department closure
Move to save university more than £1.4 million over three years dispenses with only chemistry degree that can be partly taken in Welsh
Science community rallies round to help St Andrews teams hit by fire
University is optimistic that the damage was not too serious but the biomedical sciences building isn’t expected to fully reopen for a year
UK government announces funding plans for PhD training centres
The number of CDTs funded in the UK will decrease from 115 to 75
Rethinking industrial placements
How SMEs are bridging the gap between undergraduates and industry
Periodic table inspired chemistree competition winners crowned
A host of original Christmas chemistry tree ideas have been created to celebrate the forthcoming International Year of the Periodic Table
Bangor University proposes shutting down its chemistry department
Plan would get rid of the only chemistry degree that can be partly taken in Welsh and put 18 jobs at risk
White House education plan aims to increase diversity in Stem subjects
Strategy to recruiting more underrepresented minorities gets positive reception
Chemistry prof sues for $20m over alleged gender discrimination
University of Arizona chemistry professor launches class action lawsuit, says she and other female faculty were grossly underpaid, not promoted
Mentors with wide-ranging research interests nurture the most successful scientists
Study examined career paths and mentoring support for 18,000 biomedical researchers
Leave the country or leave the job: the hard choice facing young Spanish researchers
Research still hasn’t recovered from funding cuts precipitated by the financial crash
Without reliable publishing, why be a scientist?
The cost of publishing problems could put off a generation of researchers