All electron articles
SI units get new prefixes for huge and tiny numbers
Ronna, quetta, ronto and quecto are the first new prefixes for the metric system in 30 years
Untangling the spin-favouritism of chiral molecules
Theory shows why DNA can be picky over electron spin
Perfluorocubane catches electron in molecular box
Cube-shaped molecule can hold a single electron – a real-life version of the ‘particle in a box’ principle from quantum mechanics textbooks
Catalytic alchemy sees device transform one metal so that it behaves like another
Electric charge enables the catalytic ‘speed limit’ for many important reactions to be bypassed
Switching molecular self-assembly on and off with electricity
New approach uses electrons to catalyse molecular recognition, giving chemists precise control over the process
Protons are even smaller than scientists thought, experiment reveals
The proton-radius puzzle isn’t solved just yet though