Electronic materials
The latest chemistry news and research on electronic materials, including thermoelectric materials, superconductors and optoelectronics, from the Royal Society of Chemistry's magazine, Chemistry World
Metal layers just a few angstroms thick display unusual electronic properties
2D metals created for first time by pressing samples between two sapphire anvils
Iontronic gel droplets detect beating heart tissue
Microscale hydrogels converted into biocompatable electrical components
Colour-changing textiles for temperature regulation
A new smart fabric switches between reflecting and absorbing states without external energy inputs
The race to commercialise nuclear-powered batteries
‘Radiovoltaic’ devices can deliver long-lasting power to pacemakers, planetary rovers and more
Battery-free bioelectronic implants
Spurred by advances in energy-harvesting materials, a new generation of advanced implantable biomedical devices is emerging that does away with the bulky battery. James Mitchell Crow reports
Scratch-resistant metal oxide films made with simple printing technique
The easy-to-make ultrathin materials are flexible, transparent and ideally suited for use in smartphone screens
Imaging study illuminates new type of electrical tree
Fresh perspective on mechanism and products of dielectric breakdown
Head of Japanese research university faces misconduct allegations
Kyoto Institute of Technology’s president under scrutiny over alleged data duplications across 34 research papers
Zinc–air batteries created from paper industry waste
Lignin- and cellulose-based zinc-air batteries overcome longstanding electrocatalyst performance and electrolyte stability challenges
1D perovskites break free from 2D sheets and could enable production of cheap lasers
Nanowire perovskites offer path to low-cost sensors
Oxygen’s exotic yet stable bonding in graphene explained
Aromaticity accounts for extended planar structure of oxygen on binding to three neighbouring carbons while enhancing system’s stability
Electronic cooling device is part fridge, part muscle
Soft polymer material flexes to move heat between surfaces
Structural disorder key to high-capacitance carbon electrodes
Finding could lead to supercapacitors that store more charge
Superconductivity: the search and the scandal
Recent high profile controversies haven’t deterred scientists from searching for one of research’s ultimate prizes: room temperature superconductors. Kit Chapman reports on the claims
First entirely roll-to-roll system points way to cheap printed perovskite solar cells
New ink formulations facilitate printing of perovskite solar cells, catalysing cost-effective commercial applications
Intelligent ionotronic wood device can keep an eye on people’s health
Infusing wood with ionic liquid enables creation of electronic wood
Photoluminescent 3D printer inks made with crown-ether-stabilised perovskites
Light-emitting miniature Eiffel Towers made with perovskite-containing inks
Semiconducting graphene allows transistor creation in step toward silicon chip integration
Regular, ordered synthesis of epigraphene combines a bandgap with high electronic mobility addressing a key problem with the material
Moiré materials stretch their scope
More boundaries crumble following the latest flutter of results
Boron-doped olympicenes are surprisingly stable
By possessing useful electronic properties, boraolympicenes could have potential applications in organic electronics