All articles by Frances Addison
Crispr editing of certain genes could trigger cell death
Researchers identify more than 3000 spots in the human genome where gene editing could cause toxic side effects and genomic instability
Chemistry appears less often in news than biology or medicine
But chemical research has a strong presence in patents, study finds
Polyatomic molecule cooled to almost absolute zero
Ultracold calcium monohydroxide created in magneto-optical trap
A Taste for Poison by Neil Bradbury – Book club
Learning about chemistry through poisons and murders
Triple Leidenfrost effect found in bouncing droplet pairs
Droplets of different liquids placed on a hot surface perform a bouncy dance before merging – sometimes with explosive results
First carbon-making microbes discovered
Mysterious black material produced by deep sea archaea and bacteria found to be carbon
Liquid crystals under pressure create squid-like camouflage
Pneumatic membranes trigger full-spectrum colour shifting on demand
Mirror image enzyme constructs longest ever mirror DNA strand
Since chirally inverted DNA is more stable than its natural counterpart, it can be used to encode secret messages
Glass folded into intricate origami shapes
Embedding silica particles into a polymer creates a bendable material that can be converted into glass
Chemists reconsider C–H and C–C bond length rationale
Quantitative proof for steric repulsion theory
Vampirology: The Science of Horror's Most Famous Fiend by Kathryn Harkup – Book club
A scientific investigation of vampires’ lust for blood and weakness to garlic
Tooth isotope analysis proves ancient Greek historians wrong
Analysis of ancient soldiers’ 2500-year-old remains suggests they were foreign mercenaries rather than the locals contemporary historians described
Doomsday Book: The Science Behind Humanity’s Greatest Threats
A great pick for anyone looking for intriguing solutions to global challenges present and future – as long as you’re okay with a bit of doom and gloom
Azidoazide azide
A compound so explosively unstable that nobody has been able to measure how sensitive it is without it, well, exploding
Written in Bone: Hidden Stories in what We Leave Behind by Sue Black – Book club
From the horrific to the absurd, forensic anthropologist Sue Black’s new book is a true pageturner
The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack – Book club
It’s the end times for our universe with five scenarios that of how it might meet its ultimate demise
The End of Everything (Astrophysically Speaking)
Universe-ending scenarios made to fit our tiny human minds
Death By Shakespeare: Snakebites, Stabbings and Broken Hearts
A book for anyone with an interest in science, death, Elizabethan literature and British history – or all of the above