Geochemistry – Page 2
The secrets of the sulfur cycle
There’s still a lot we don’t know about the biogeochemical cycling of sulfur, and this could impact our ability to correctly model the climate. Rachel Brazil talks to the researchers trying to fill in the gaps.
Drilling deep to discover the secrets of the mantle
Nina Notman hears from the scientists trying to pierce the Earth’s crust below the seafloor to learn more about our home planet
Chemical definition of brine as water could help clear up Chile’s lithium controversy
As evidence grows that lithium mining damages water sources, reclassifying brine as water – rather than as mineral – could empower Indigenous communities to protect their rights and convince mining companies to act more responsibly
Oldest human-made quasicrystal discovered in remains of first nuclear blast
Almost 76 years ago, US scientists set off the first nuclear bomb – and accidentally created the first synthetic quasicrystal
A glimpse at alien volcanoes that spew metal
Hypothetical ferrovolcanoes explored with world’s only lava flow simulator
Volunteers are keeping a vigilant eye on volcanoes in the West Indies
Community monitoring of seismic activity
Marking the Anthropocene
The idea that we’re in a human-influenced geological epoch is gaining traction, but how will future geologists measure it? Rachel Brazil finds out
Electric fields deep in Earth’s mantle helps diamond crystallise
Electrochemical experiments under extreme conditions show diamonds forming from molten carbonate rocks
Recalibration is the biggest shake-up in the carbon dating world for seven years
Overhaul will improve accuracy and push back how far samples can be dated by 5000 years
Mineral map hopes to end concrete that has damaged thousands of US homes
Concrete containing pyrrhotite can disintegrate on exposure to air and water
Mystery of where early Earth’s life-fuelling phosphates came from may have been solved
Meteorites have been source of building blocks for primordial life
Crystals reveal the site of the world’s oldest meteorite strike
Mineral chemistry suggests the massive impact 2.3 billion years ago could have made our entire planet much warmer
Neanderthals were master fire-starters, cave chemistry suggests
A new study distinguishes chemical traces left by ancient hearth fires from those left by natural wildfires
Mineral never before seen in nature found inside Australian meteorite
Black-and-red rock that fell to Earth 68 years ago contains iron carbide compound
Iron in Earth’s magma oceans forged diamonds deep underground
Findings could also explain differences between the atmospheres of different planets