Geochemistry – Page 3
Uranium isotopes in ancient grains indicate early Earth was less hellish than textbook descriptions
Mass spectrometry technique that works on tiny samples refines understanding of Earth’s first geologic eon
What is the moon made of?
Mike Sutton looks at what we’ve learned about the moon’s chemistry in the 50 years since Apollo 11
Helicopter NMR prepares to detect Arctic oil spills
ExxonMobil-funded project readies giant airborne coil for accidents as shipping lanes open up
Origins: How the Earth Made Us
Lewis Dartnell promises to show how the terrain around us shapes not only the physical space we live in but also the political, economical and evolutionary climates of who we are
Talc: Magnesium silicate
Coating your naked body with powdered magnesium silicate may sound strange, but it's an important part of many bathtime rituals
Strontium isotope map re-examination casts doubt on bronze age migration theories
New findings could change the way we think about prehistoric peoples
Mineral surfaces promoted variation in prebiotic RNA
Thermodynamic model probes the entropic cost of enriching RNA strands adsorbed on a surface
Chinese cave holds carbon dating ‘Holy Grail’
Carbon-14 measurements from stalagmites takes carbon dating back as far as it can go
Evidence emerges from the deep of Earth's first amino acids
Geochemical processes shows how buildings blocks for life on Earth may have been synthesised
Chemical analysis adds to evidence for early microfossils
Well-preserved samples enable examination of intact microstructures rather than powdered material
Dorset geology gives clues to past life on Mars
Fossilised microorganisms at England’s south coast offer clues to those studying the red planet
Iron-rich rock helps oceans sink atmospheric carbon
Pouring powdered peridotites into the sea could be another way to combat climate change
London soil pollution worst on former Blitz bomb sites
Study links heavy metal enrichment to destruction of housing in 1940s
Abandoned Cornish mine may hold clues to uranium clean-up
First time arsenic has been found to lock up uranium in a mineral
Fossil isotopes reveal life’s diversity 3.5 billion years ago
Early microbes evolved distinct metabolisms based around hydrogen sulfide and methane
Cars blamed for black patch blight on historic monuments
Rock varnish growth also linked to sealants used in conservation
Mild method turns common mineral into fertiliser
Process could cut transportation costs and save farmers money
Methane-led climate change explains early Mars’ wet spells
Red planet’s wobbles could have led to melting of methane clathrates and warming
Titanium analysis puts new date on Earth’s continental crust
Tectonic plates may have begun colliding 500 million years earlier than previously thought
Ancient ocean oxygen tracked using thallium
Cretaceous oceans gradually lost oxygen before the dramatic anoxic event that led to mass extinction