All articles by Henry Nicholls
Trouble brewing
Chemical reactions during storage can destroy a beer's flavour. Henry Nicholls finds out how brewers are striving to stabilise beer's chemistry
Water retains DNA memory of hidden species
DNA profiling used to track the spread of the American bullfrog
How plants shudder at shade
Molecular mechanism revealed for plants' desperate growth spurts when overshadowed by competitors
Quinine synthesis mystery solved
US chemists have reproduced a 90-year old experiment to settle a 50-year old controversy
The chemistry set generation
Thinking about buying a chemistry set for someone this Christmas? A nostalgic look at an inspirational toy that could be on the verge of a comeback
The oxygen revolution
Did Lavoisier's theory of oxygen really extinguish the idea of phlogiston, a hypothesized fire-like element released during combustion, overnight?
The molecular cannibal in vitamin B12 synthesis
Scientists have put in place the final piece of a puzzle started 20 years ago.
The mother of all enzymes
Scientists have uncovered the three-dimensional structure of what might be biology's first enzyme.
Raphael revealed by Raman spectroscopy
Forensic analysis of paint scraps dates picture to before, not after, the Sistine Madonna
Bees get a buzz from dancing
Brain chemical could account for the elaborate dance of the honeybee.
Microscopic lab investigates contents of a single cell
Individual proteins can be counted in a single cell.
Silent SNPs serve up a structural surprise
Proteins built from an identical string of amino acids can have different biochemical properties.
Alzheimer's drug protects against sarin attack
Effective antidote to deadly organophosphorus nerve agents a step away.
Catalysts of creation
In the quest to understand the origins of life on Earth, scientists are finding fresh evidence that bundles of RNA called ribozymes were the first truly biological molecules.
Not on my back lawn
Moles beware: the chemical repellent responsible for the fox-like odour given off by several species of fritillary plants has been identified.
Mind-altering drugs at the Olympics
Psychological effects of outlawed performance-enhancing sports drug.
Putting the flesh on the bones of archaeology
Chemistry can illuminate the age of a specimen, build up a picture of prehistoric diet and lifestyles and can even probe the genetic makeup of long-extinct populations and species.