Inorganic chemistry – Page 8
Solar cell concept used to enhance nuclear battery
New device uses a ruthenium dye to absorb beta radiation
Baird’s rule of aromaticity extended to all-metal systems
Aromaticity concept can help scientists understand the properties of metal clusters
Salt crystal grows legs to avoid slippery surface
Sodium chloride’s self-lifting crystallisation has been observed for the first time
Stefanie Horovitz – the woman behind the isotope
Overlooked by history, murdered by the Nazis: the forgotten story of a talented chemist who helped prove the existence of isotopes
Largest hollow cage molecule yet made from 1000 atoms
Giant polyoxymetalate cluster contains 240 molybdenum, 740 oxygen and 20 sulfur atoms
Marguerite Perey and the last element in nature
Kit Chapman tells the story of the chemist who discovered francium, but was almost denied the credit
Brian Clegg discovers what a six-membered silicon ring can tell us about alien life
New bond discovered among spodium elements zinc, cadmium and mercury
Group 12 joins the σ-hole interaction family with spodium bonds
Metalloenzyme mastery
There are natural metalloenzymes that make difficult chemistry look easy. James Mitchell Crow talks to the bioinorganic chemists figuring out how to copy them
Strange hexagonal form of table salt discovered
Predicted by an evolutionary algorithm, the first hexagonal sodium chloride was made on a diamond surface
New high pressure allotrope of nitrogen solves a chemical mystery
‘Black nitrogen’ shares similarities with other elements in its group on the periodic table – answering the question of why nitrogen normally doesn’t
Molecular experiments hope to reveal new physics
Detecting extremely short-lived radium fluoride can explore standard model’s limits
New silicon–silicon bond is a rare example of a π bond without a σ bond
Discovery made in silicon analogue of bicyclobutane
Shock treatment makes nanocatalysts from metals that are ‘impossible’ to mix
New technique allows nanoparticles to be produced from almost any combination of metals
Pushing praseodymium past its oxidation limits
Researchers isolate the first molecular species bearing praseodymium(IV), which could find applications in catalysis and new materials
Carbon tetrahedron squeezes phosphorus into smallest possible bond angle
Phosphorus manages to stabilise an ultra-strained tetrahedrane’s banana bonds
Serendipitous experiment on xenon complex reveals insights into rare gas interaction
Experiment and theory combo gives benchmark for predicting non-covalent complexes
First ever observation of a neon-containing anion
Showing that a superelectrophilic anion can bind the noble gas crosses hurdle on path to making a stable neon compound