Lanthanides and actinides
The latest chemistry news and research on lanthanides and actinides, including their coordination chemistry, MRI contrast agents and magnetic properties, from the Royal Society of Chemistry's magazine, Chemistry World
Berkelium snared in organometallic trap
Organometallic sandwich is one of the heaviest structures of its type ever created
Uranium trichloride exhibits transient covalency when hot
Neutron scattering and computational experiments reveal an unusual heterogeneous bonding environment
First single crystal structure of actinium shows unexpected coordination behaviour
Work will aid novel anti-cancer therapy development and even add to debate of where the element sits on the periodic table
Redox reactions ‘mine’ old fluorescent light bulbs for europium
In just three simple steps rare earth element can be recovered, avoiding ‘ecologically devastating’ mining
Promethium bond length completes picture of the size of lanthanides’ atoms
Study fills one of the last gaps in our knowledge of the periodic table
Plutonium to carbon double bond a first
Findings offer insight into differences in chemical reactivity between actinides and lathanides
Record room-temperature superconductor could boost quantum computer chips
New material reduces pressures needed more than a hundredfold, but experts urge caution over structural questions and previously retracted research
Photochemistry enables safer method for reprocessing plutonium and uranium mixtures
Method bypasses harsh redox reagents while maintaining high separation factors
Technique can characterise actinides with just a microgram of a heavy element
Use of polyoxometalates offers chance to conduct in-depth research on heavy actinides chemistry
This metal triangle seems to defy definition – is it aromatic or not?
Discussion around thorium ring’s aromaticity has chemists questioning if we should stop calling metal clusters aromatic
Neptunium complex’s triple bond challenges actinide bonding assumptions
Elusive transuranic mono(oxo) complex isolated for the first time
Dilanthanide complexes smash record for strongest single-molecule magnet
Complexes featuring first ever lanthanide–lanthanide bond could offer way to make powerful new permanent magnets
Uranium’s strong covalent bond breaks periodic table predictions
Actinide’s unusual covalency could explain its ability to fix nitrogen
Semimetal study links spiral magnetism to Weyl fermions
Findings may help explain spatial modulations seen in the magnetism of other rare earth intermetallic compounds
Actinide aromaticity defies predictions
First σ-aromatic thorium cluster extends σ aromaticity to periodic table’s heaviest elements
Shedding light on Nazi-era uranium cubes with modern nuclear forensics
US team are using radiochronometry to confirm their authenticity and origins
Actinium’s radius revised to solve cancer therapy mystery
For decades, scientists have been using the wrong ionic radius for one of Earth’s rarest element
Fun with f-elements
Working with lanthanides and actinides may be challenging, but David Mills says the field is ripe for discovery
Reaching the molecular limit of magnetic memory
Clever chemistry could help computers cram even more data onto their hard drives. Rachel Brazil reports on single-molecule magnets
Macrocyclic NHC ligands serve up trio of new actinide sandwich complexes
Delocalised, anionic macrocyclic NHCs with unusually strongly σ-donation set to expand suite of stable organometallic complexes with f block cations