All Last retort articles – Page 9
The 2010 Nobel prize
The 2010 Nobel prize for physics went to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov
'Absurd', 'roundabout' and 'clumsy'
'Absurd', 'roundabout', 'clumsy' these words well describe the way we turn heat into electric power
Sulfur or sulphur?
Sulfur or sulphur? The controversy over the spelling of element number 16 rumbles on
Oinking and squawking
There's been lot of oinking and squawking over recent scares about swine flu and bird flu
A dramatic experiment
I once conducted a dramatic experiment for a BBC TV programme on chemistry
Chemistry is hard
They say bright students today don't read chemistry at university because it is seen as a 'hard' subject. And there are fears over job prospects