Letters from Chemistry World readers – Page 12
Letters: February 2007
From Peter Swindells I must disagree with my former colleague Roger Lintonbon that marine organisms can provide a sink for increasing levels of carbon dioxide (Chemistry World, January 2007, p34). Increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide does not lead to increased phytoplankton growth because it is not carbon ...
Letters: January 2007
From Richard Schmidt Horst Hippler asks why most natural amino acids are l and most natural sugars d (Chemistry World, October 2006, p22). The answer to this question might already have been answered: selection for these enantiomers has been driven by a fundamental property of interfacial (or vicinal) water. Philippa ...
Letters: December 2006
From Paul Davies I would like to thank the readers of Chemistry World for their assistance with our survey, investigating the mechanism of hair greying (Chemistry World, September 2006, p35). Specifically we are looking at a possible link between cessation of melanogenesis in the hair follicle and the ...
Letters: November 2006
From John Haigh It is excellent to be reminded that chemistry graduates have a good grounding for a range of careers, but the salaries listed in your article confirm the sad story that some of us in education have been bemoaning for years (Chemistry World, October 2006, p68). ...
Your views: November 2006
21st century science, the new UK GCSE programme, promises to develop scientific literacy in a societal context. Is the new teaching programme a good thing?
Letters: October 2006
From Ron Denney It was a great pleasure to read the article on Research Triangle Park (RTP) in North Carolina, US (Chemistry World, September 2006, p62). I was fortunate enough to see the Research Triangle in its early days when it was struggling for success. At the time ...
Your views: October 2006
Physics has the origins of the universe; biology has the origins of life. But what are the 'big' scientific challenges for chemistry?
Letters: September 2006
From Basil Walby As a statistician, former editor of The Analyst, and now a grumpy old man, I was disappointed to see that RSC Publishing is promoting spurious precision in its advertisement in Chemistry World (July 2006, p47). Impact factors are notoriously variable, making the quotation to ...
Your views: September 2006
Is insistence on the use of Iupac nomenclature diluting the rich traditional language of chemistry?
Letters: August 2006
From Norman Nicolson The excellent article on serendipity missed one important event (Chemistry World, June 2006, p32). A chemist working for ICI wondered what used could be made of the blue sludge that had to be cleaned out of the bottom of the phthalimide reactor. This was made of ...
Letters: July 2006
From Colin Britton I was most interested in the editorial (Chemistry World, June 2006, p2), ’covering the usual sort of stuff’, and recognising that the topics listed, including air quality, synthetic dyes tomatoes, etc, are just some of the things that chemists get up to. I would like to ...
Letters: June 2006
From Sir Harry Kroto Fundamental advances in the chemical sciences are today more vital than in any other area for survival of the human race and the sustainability of our modern way of life. The chemical sciences underpin, in the most fundamental ways, the cutting edge areas of ...
Your views: June 2006
There is no role for bench chemists: technology will replace them. Discuss.
Letters: May 2006
From Michael Archer In response to points raised in the news item entitled Australian chemistry department under threat (Chemistry World online, 23 March 2006; p10), I strenuously deny that any ’budget bungle’ has occurred, as the academic staff union emotively and incorrectly claims. Rather, the restructuring of the school ...
Letters: April 2006
From Brian Whitefield I sympathise with Ronald Dell over his problem with the names of pharmaceuticals (Chemistry World, March 2006, p32). Some 50 years ago, when National Service temporarily converted me from organic chemist to nurse, the nature of preparations could be easily determined from their Latinate names or, in ...
Letters: March 2006
From Lee Higham It was interesting to read the article on the changing face of university chemistry (Chemistry World, February 2006, p36). Should closing chemistry departments be resisted if it appears to be part of a natural progression? Is it important to have a departmental status for the subject? This ...