Main group chemistry – Page 4
Chiral borane complexes catalyse new synthesis opportunities
N-heterocyclic carbene-borane complexes with a rare stereogenic boron centre demonstrate potential in stereoselective catalysis
Strange bonds entirely new to chemists predicted in ammonia hydrides
High pressure compound containing bridging hydrogen cations might be found inside Neptune and Uranus
New rule predicts stabilising aromaticity in open-shell metal clusters
Magic numbers for jellium aromaticity could help researchers find stable high-spin molecules
Bizarre ice XVIII is an oxygen ion crystal swimming in a sea of protons
High pressure superionic form of water may hold clues to behaviour of giant icy planets in our solar system
Does the periodic table make more sense upside down?
UK researchers argue an inverted table works better for students
There’s something about boron
Boron’s chemistry is as much defined by what it isn’t – carbon, or a metal – as by what it is. Recent years have started to fix this misconception, as James Mitchell Crow reports
Hopes raised of a ‘super-table’ to end periodic table disputes
Mathematical analysis could help answer where hydrogen or lanthanum should sit on the table
Frozen fluorine’s structure revisited after 50 years
Second ever crystal structure of solid fluorine solves 50-year-old crystal symmetry conundrum
Odd boron compound gets two nitrogen molecules to link up
Bis-dinitrogen made directly from nitrogen gas in first-of-its-kind reaction
Bismuth gets involved in small molecule activation
Reaction adds to research blurring the lines between transition metal and main group compounds
Squeezable copper–nitrogen compound made under extreme pressure and heat
Scientists create copper diazenide in first direct reaction between nitrogen and copper
New analogue of cyclohexane is first cyclic silicon–aluminium compound
Rare example of bonds between common elements
Hydrides come within a whisker of room temperature superconductivity
High pressure lanthanum superhydride sets a new critical temperature record, validating theoretical predictions
Quasi-cubic iodine fluoride predicted under pressure
IF8 would have the highest ever coordination number in a neutral main group compound
Bonding rethink called for as new metavalent bond proposed
Combination of elements in the metalloid region of periodic table produces a bond with both metallic and covalent characteristics
Hydrogen sulfide surprises as it's discovered to have hydrogen bonds
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling was wrong – H2S does form hydrogen bonds after all
Inorganic molecule mimics odd benzene isomer
Zwitterionic boron–nitrogen compound has σ bond between two π orbitals
Alkaline earth carbonyls break the rules
Complexes of Ca, Sr and Ba adopt a transition metal-like 18-electron configuration, rather than the octet more usually found in main group compounds
First arsenic–germanium double bond made
Scientists use push–pull substitution to synthesise heavy imine