Main group chemistry – Page 6
Secret of dinitrogen triple bond's strength unpicked
Scientists find an unexpected explanation for the strength of nitrogen–nitrogen triple bonds
Inert helium reacted with sodium in chemistry first
Spartan field of helium chemistry given a lift with new sodium compound
Stable polynitrogen synthesis first blows everyone away
Creation of five-membered aromatic nitrogen ring opens door to new highly energetic rocket fuels and explosives
Bismuth superconductor leaves theory up in the air
Discovery of superconductivity at exceptionally low temperatures confounds current understanding of the phenomenon
Theory finds window for astatine species’ existence
Researchers take investigation of iodine–astatine–bromine trihalogen anion into the lab
Microscopy reveals secret of beryl’s iron heart
Discovery of metal stuffed channels in mineral family that includes emerald and aquamarine points way to tuning the material’s colour
A new recipe for black phosphorus
Chemists develop a new method to produce supported black phosphorus with applications in catalysis
Chemists create stable bismuth benzene derivative
Bismabenzene is the first isolated derivative to contain period 6 element
Chemists create pnictogen-based ‘inorganic benzene’
First inorganic analogues of benzene containing silicon and group 15 elements made
Subtle forces yield profound effects on heavy element bonding
Calculations on dispersion forces shed light on interactions between heavier main group elements
Potassium bromide
Did chemistry help control tension in the trenches? Brian Clegg investigates potassium bromide
Main group renaissance
After years languishing behind more fashionable areas of research, the main group elements are back in vogue. James Mitchell Crow finds out why
Magnesium sulfate
Brian Clegg explains how bath salts may actually be more than just relaxing
Fluorine finally found in nature
Mystery of nasty niff from ‘fetid fluorite’ minerals is solved - it’s all down to the fluorine it releases