Materials – Page 64
Tailored zeolite synthesis takes a big step forward
New zeolites first predicted and then made in potential boon for industrial catalysis
X-ray emitting bacterial plasmas could enhance imaging
Bacteria found to be an excellent raw material to generate high-intensity x-rays for medical and analytical uses
3D printing allows soft robots to rise up
A multi-layered, jumping robot has been manufactured using a 3D printer
Conduction conundrum puts scientists on path to radical conclusions
Samarium compound appears to be both a conductor and an insulator at very low temperatures
MOF blends oxidiser with fuel for a precise bang
Safe and simple scaffold gives consistent explosive mix
Football-sized fullerene gets an electric response
Lead-coated ball helps researchers to understand electrical properties of fullerene
Solar hydrogen production on a roll with 2D films
Liquid ‘rolling pins’ could produce materials for solar to hydrogen conversion more cheaply
Novel compounds make light work of trapping carbon dioxide
Azobenzene compounds can reversibly switch between crystalline and amorphous states to capture gases
Magnetism measured for superconducting hydrogen sulfide
New work backs up previous observations of superior hydrogen sulfide superconductor
Chemistry World podcast – July 2015
We ask, does graphene live up to the hype, and discuss injectable electronics that unfold in the brain
New explosive is powerful but greener than most
Researchers have made one of the most powerful non-nuclear explosives to date
Z machine puts the squeeze on metallic deuterium
Pressures similar to those at centre of the Earth forge metallic deuterium in step toward 80-year-old dream of creating metallic hydrogen
Graphene oxide 'teabags' make a mercury-free brew
Porous carbon structure can remove 96% of mercury from water in a day
Glass transition in ant traffic jams
Soft matter techniques reveal glassy dynamics in confined fire ant traffic
Bread leavening proves useful for energy storage
Scientists in China coin an industry-suitable recipe for hierarchically porous carbons
Graphene beyond the hype
For the past 10 years, graphene has popped up in many headlines. Emma Stoye looks at whether current progress matches up to the promises
Ultra-thin membranes for solute separation
Polyamide filters just a few nanometres thick could help cut energy bills in chemical plants