Materials – Page 72
Flue gas reclaimed as polymer feedstock
Closing the carbon cycle reduces both greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel depletion
A good hair day for glowing nanoparticles
Chinese scientists make luminescent ink out of hair
New thermoset plastics simple to recycle
IBM researchers create polymers that breakdown in acidic conditions
The future is lead-free for perovskite solar cells
A non-toxic perovskite solar cell is all set to challenge current photovoltaic technology
3D printing reveals shark skin secrets
Facsimile skin with tiny tooth-like bumps improves shark’s swimming efficiency by 6%
Green packaging blues
Plastic packaging is ubiquitous, but uses precious resources and goes straight to waste. Bea Perks takes a look
Polymer sets new self-healing record
Material mimics animal healing forming a scaffold to support repair of holes over 3cm wide
Glowing roads take a rain check
Moisture seeping into the photoluminescent strips dampens their illumination
Chemistry World podcast - May 2014
We speak to the ‘sultan of synthesis’, Phil Baran, and Peter James explains how labs can save cash on energy bills
Decoding interstellar carbon
New models identify fullerenisation fingerprint in infrared signals
Graphene made in a kitchen blender
High quality flakes of two-dimensional material exfoliated from graphite points way to bulk production
Changing phases
John Goodby has discovered new forms of matter and invented new materials. Helen Carmichael speaks to him about his career
Calculations predict new form of phosphorus
Flat layers of ‘blue phosphorus’ may have ideal properties for nano-electronics
Chemistry World podcast - April 2014
Why are researchers boycotting a conference? How can Raman spectroscopy reveal the true colours of paintings? And how can shrimp shells help clean the ocean?
Growing great graphene on germanium
New technique allows large scale production of defect free graphene suitable for electronics
Purple was once a colour only royalty could afford to wear. Hayley Birch investigates tyrian purple, or dibromoindigo, the original purple dye
Chasing the sun
It took some time, and a lot of jobs, but Matt Carnie eventually found a role he loves in materials research. Manisha Lalloo asks for his career analysis