All Metrics and assessment articles
Analysis reveals ethnic minority applicants’ grant success rates still lower
Engineering and physical sciences’ review panels in UK more likely to award white researchers
The narrative CV: a step towards more inclusive science?
Exploring an alternative to a traditional list of achievements
Are Indian higher education institutes gaming the ranking system?
Concerns continue to be raised about students being misled by the Indian government’s flagship scheme
Leaked exams lead to cancellations that leave Indian students and researchers frustrated
Over a million students and early-career researchers hit by latest cash for exam questions scandal
Nineteen journals shut down by Wiley following delisting and paper mill problems
Issues with manufactured manuscripts are a problem the whole publishing industry faces
Gender equality report highlights progress and challenges for women in research
41% of the world’s researchers are female, but women are underrepresented as authors of papers and patents
Tweets don’t bring citations, randomised controlled study finds
Social media’s benefits rest more on building scientific networks than promotion
Estimates suggest at least 2500 scientists have left Russia since the beginning of the war
Analysis of Orcid database finds Russian scientists are now leaving for universities in Central Asia, Israel and the UAE
Response to review of red tape in UK research arrives after 18 months
Government outlines further measures including making the next Research Excellence Framework ‘measurably less bureaucratic’
Retraction Watch database bought by Crossref
Deal aims to make retractions easier for researchers to spot
China considers stripping degrees from academics who misuse AI
Current and former university students in China shown to have used artificial intelligence tools to write dissertations could get degrees revoked
First publisher abandons impractical elemental analysis standard as journals eye next move
Historical ±0.4% accuracy standard was discovered to have little evidence backing in 2022
China displaces US as top publisher of high-quality natural science studies
Contribution of researchers in China to Nature Index journals is ‘rapidly gaining ground’, and in 2021 they led in physical sciences and chemistry
Dedicated committee needed to tackle research reproducibility problems in the UK
UK House of Commons report suggests government needs to play a bigger role addressing issues affecting science
Relying on the h-index harms the careers of people who take career breaks
More holistic methods are needed to accurately assess the quality of a researcher’s work
Escaping from predatory publishers
An over-reliance on publishing has left scientists prey to unscrupulous practices
Labs’ carbon footprint under scrutiny as tool calculates impact of buildings and scientists
Software reveals environmental impact of over 500 French labs
Parenting takes a heavy toll on the careers of female academics in North America
Women more likely to report that caring for children has hurt their career than men
Red tape report recommends simple, quick two-stage grant application process
Review by Birmingham vice-chancellor Adam Tickell calls for UK government, funders and universities to cut duplication and improve coordination
Top Russian university officials’ predatory publishing record points to deeper malaise
Universities are struggling with serious problems with plagiarism, gift authorship and ethical violations