All Molecular chemistry articles – Page 2
Largest molecular wheel ever made pushes limits of aromaticity rules
Giant, 162 π-electron aromatic ring shows that we haven’t reached the upper limit of Hückel’s rule yet
The future of chemistry: Science Horizons and Chemistry Means Business
Hundreds of scientists contributed to the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Science Horizons report to build a picture of the challenges and opportunities the next generation will bring
The silent rise of the robots
Mechanical helpers have been creeping into our labs for decades
Floppiness scale untangles knotted molecules
Chemists use floppiness factor to characterise mechanically interlocked molecules using mass spectrometry
The Cambridge Structural Database hits one million structures
Warning! Contains extreme crystallography
First radial-conjugated aromatic that does the twist
Figure-of-eight shaped molecule is the first with a radial π-electron system
Helium hydride ion detected in space for the first time
Terahertz rotational spectroscopy identifies long-sought molecular bond in a nebula
Designer lipids stop water freezing at sub-zero temperatures
Lipid membranes with unusual properties hinder the formation of ice crystals down to -263°C
Fullerene cage stabilises first yttrium–yttrium single bond
Rare experimental evidence of direct metal–metal bonding between the often-overlooked rare earth elements
Co-crystals fish out cannabinoid from plant extract
Purifying cannabidiol from natural cannabis extract made cheap and easy thanks to amino acid partner
Leap forward for molecular computing as DNA executes six-bit algorithms
Computer made from DNA strands can recognise palindromes, copy and sort data, and perform random walks
'Self-destructing' solvents control crystallisation
‘Deep eutomic’ mixtures allow easy access to unusual pharmaceutical polymorphs
Molecular movie reveals how twisting methyl disturbs aspirin electrons
Femtosecond x-ray experiments show how small vibrations kick off electron redistribution around an entire aspirin molecule
Hydrogen sulfide surprises as it's discovered to have hydrogen bonds
Nobel laureate Linus Pauling was wrong – H2S does form hydrogen bonds after all
Ultracold molecules are poised to unearth chemistry’s foundations
Molecules close to absolute zero will soon help chemists unravel the toughest questions about why reactions occur at all
Classic multicomponent reaction finally gets chiral touch
59 years after its discovery, the Ugi reaction becomes enantioselective with the help of a chiral phosphoric acid
Alkaline earth carbonyls break the rules
Complexes of Ca, Sr and Ba adopt a transition metal-like 18-electron configuration, rather than the octet more usually found in main group compounds
Puzzle of why very similar sugars can taste much sweeter than others solved
The sweetest saccharides form the strongest and shortest hydrogen bonds
Machine learning masters molecules
Deep learning algorithms set to transform time-consuming molecular screening programs
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