All neonicotinoids articles
Neonicotinoids in Africa
Consistent continent-wide regulatory systems are essential for sustainable agriculture
Neonicotinoid exposure could be harming mammals
Deer study suggests the toxic effects of these pesticides may not be limited to insects
Fipronil responsible for historic honeybee die-off
Researchers conclude the mass death of honeybees in 1990s France was caused by the pesticide fipronil, not a neonicotinoid
Europe to impose near-total ban on neonicotinoids
By the end of 2018 farmers in the EU will be unable to use bee-harming pesticides on outdoor crops
What you need to know about neonicotinoids
The latest on the concerns raised about the pesticides’ impact on bees
European risk assessment slams neonicotinoids
EFSA analysis confirming harm to bees could lead to an outright ban on the pesticides
Neonicotinoid pesticide ban backed by the UK
Scientific review confirms that honeybee health is harmed by the pesticides
Neonicotinoids detected in honey samples from around the world
Survey confirms bees’ widespread exposure to controversial pesticides
Garden centre plants may pose pesticide threat to bees
Insecticides on ornamental UK plants found at levels known to have an impact on pollinators
UK crops at risk if EU pesticide ban expanded
Agricultural research institute calls for unbiased research on pesticides linked to bee decline
Health agency calls for ban on neonicotinoid in Canada
Government body reports imidacloprid poses a threat to marine insects and soil-dwelling organisms
Thousands of pollinators at risk of extinction
Global assessment says pesticides are partly to blame for endangering bees and other pollinators
Wildflowers serve as reservoir for controversial pesticides
Crop pollen has levels of neonicotinoid insecticides 10 times lower than native species
Court rejects US approval of sulfoxaflor pesticide
Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of an insecticide that shares similarities with neonicotinoids revoked
Neonicotinoids present in many US streams
Persistent but low-level contamination prompts calls for further research on aquatic impact of pesticides
Controversial pesticide ban temporarily lifted in UK
Two neonicotinoid pesticides permitted by the UK following Farmers Union application
US targets neonicotinoid use in pollinator plan
Obama’s new strategy to promote pollinator health includes re-evaluating neonicotinoid pesticides
Bees 'prefer' neonicotinoid-laced nectar
Studies debunk the notion that wild bees avoid feeding from pesticide-treated plants
Fears over pesticide link to foetal brain harm
European food safety body lowers exposure levels for two neonicotinoid insecticides