When it comes to computers, chemists have enjoyed advances in both hardware and software this year. Quantum computers can now tackle quantum chemistry calculations on bigger molecules than before. And algorithms can search chemical space, plot reaction pathways and predict the products of chemistry reactions like a boss. How long until chemists require a cybernetic upgrade to keep their jobs?
Simply click the direction arrows to go to the next or previous story, or click and drag along the timeline itself to jump ahead in the year. There was a lot to report on in 2017, so you can use the + or - buttons to zoom in or out of the timeline itself
You can choose from our four detailed timelines to take a closer look at the chemistry research, news and views that happened in 2017
Science hit the headlines throughout the world in 2017, with Marches for science rising against the Trump administration in particular. And Brexit may mean Brexit, but what does it mean for chemistry?
All the big developments in chemistry research, including bonding, reactions and synthesis, materials and the rise of digital chemistry
From a Nobel prize in imaging biological systems to developing powerful new painkillers, chemists have been at the forefront of medical innovation in 2017
Chemists continue to help us understand our history, shedding light on materials and practices behind great works of art, while shaping the culture we live in