Operations spanning 10 years have yielded the first review of validation exercises using ozone and temperature lidar measurements from the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC).
Operations spanning 10 years have yielded the first review of validation exercises using ozone and temperature lidar measurements from the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC).
The NDSC links high quality remote sensing research stations worldwide, set up to observe and understand changes in the stratosphere as a result of human activity. The network provides lidar measurements of ozone and temperature from several locations around the world. Ensuring the data quality at each site is paramount to produce accurate results. Scientistsz from France, the US, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Norway, South Korea, Canada and Japan have now collaborated to produce the first review of the regular intercomparisons and exercises organised to validate the data generated from each station in the network.
The improvement in measurements resulting from these comparison campaigns will allow us to see a more accurate picture of how we are affecting our atmosphere.
Rowena Milan
P Keckhut et al, J. Environ. Monit., 2004 (DOI: 10.1039/ <MAN>b404256e</MAN>)
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