A project to prepare the next generation of researchers to embrace the principles of green chemistry is underway thanks to a partnership between Merck KGaA’s subsidiary MilliporeSigma and the global nonprofit Beyond Benign. The initiative, announced in conjunction with the American Chemical Society’s spring meeting, will provide expanded access to training resources and other support needed to apply greener practices in chemistry education worldwide. It aims to help higher education systems worldwide better integrate green chemistry into curricula and practice.
MilliporeSigma will increase the capacity of Beyond Benign’s new Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community digital platform – an on online hub for the higher education community to share green chemistry resources, collaborate and network. Overall, it will significantly increase Beyond Benign’s flagship programmes, growing global access to these resources and training materials to 175 institutions and 4000 faculty members internationally. Beyond Benign estimates that these material will reach one million students annually across the globe. The partnership also furthers the organisation’s goal of providing 25% of the 22,000 chemists who graduate each year in the US with green chemistry knowledge by 2025.
‘In many countries, sustainability is not considered a core concept in undergraduate and graduate chemistry education,’ said Amy Cannon, Beyond Benign’s co-founder and executive director. ‘Merck’s support allows us to impact higher education systems worldwide, helping educators to upskill future generations to make more sustainable choices that improve human health and the environment through the reduction or elimination of hazardous substances.’

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