Physical chemistry – Page 4
Mystery of discrepancies in speed of sound in water cleared up by study of ions
Anions and cations found to have wildly different effect on the speed of sound in solutions
Water microdroplet chemistry enables catalyst-free Diels–Alder reaction
‘Quasi-benzyne’ radical drives exotic reactivity
Algorithm designs proteins from scratch that can bind drugs and small molecules
Strategy could stop an overdose or produce an antidote to a poison
Holes in the ‘holey graphyne’ story
The challenges – and importance – of questioning published results
Simulations track how MOFs adsorb water, one molecule at a time
‘You can almost drink our water model because it’s so realistic’
Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion
This Faraday Discussion combines different approaches, both experimental and theoretical, to further our understanding of the fundamental properties of water at interfaces.
Static on steroids lets meat and fruit stick to metal at flick of switch
Electroadhesion could find biomedical and robotic applications
Model explains why water can freeze at different temperatures
The research could have applications in snowmaking, cloud seeding and beyond
Water isn’t normal
Despite its familiarity, water is a chemical oddity. But that’s what makes it fascinating
Answer found for why like-charged particles sometimes attract each other
It’s not just opposites that always attract as new research confirms an observation that has puzzled scientists for over 80 years
AI could provide new approach to assessing chemical toxicity thresholds in aquatic organisms
Model showed excellent predicative ability and could cut animal testing in pollution research
Machine learning could ‘change the paradigm’ for polaritonic chemistry
Model reveals influence of vibrational strong coupling during light-driven reaction
Investigating the behaviour of water at material interfaces
Find out about the behaviour of water at the boundaries of materials
New ‘supermolecule’ demonstrated for the first time at record-breaking ultracold temperature
Largest polyatomic molecule created and stabilised at just above absolute zero provides new insights into quantum chemistry
Slow Arrhenius process identified in molecular glasses
Findings challenge common ideas on glassy dynamics
GPT-3 trained and tuned to predict molecular properties
A better understanding of Smiles helps GPT-3 recognise chemically relevant patterns
MOF-based filter harvests energy from seawater evaporation
Prototype device generates sustained electric current as salt water evaporates
Microsoft’s AI and high-performance computing system powers new battery discovery
Azure Quantum Elements platform speeds up discovery of solid-state electrolyte from decades to weeks
New analysis raises doubts over autonomous lab’s materials ‘discoveries’
Experimental and computational issues flagged as researchers conclude that a fully automated lab failed to make new materials