Porous materials – Page 5
MOFs: Metal–organic frameworks
Katrina Krämer examines these extremely versatile materials and speaks to MOF pioneer Omar Yaghi
MOF-based device harvests water from air
System powered entirely by sunlight could provide off-grid personalised water supplies
MOFs find a use
Nina Notman takes stock of the first products containing metal–organic frameworks to hit the shelves
Zeolite catalysts tailored to specific chemical reactions
Molecules that mimic shapes of transition states of important industrial reactions help to build better catalysts
Chemists pore over zeolites and watch holes open up
Scientists observe the development of mesoporous structures in real-time
MOFs offer safer toxic gas storage
Start-up’s gas cylinders allows sub-atmospheric storage of hazardous gases like arsine used in semiconductor processing
The patriotic chemist
Northwestern University’s Omar Farha, who hails from the West Bank, is all about MOFs and keeping America’s scientific community inclusive
13,000-strong MOF menagerie fuels search for hydrogen storage solution
Researchers find promising hydrogen storage materials by virtually screening more than 13,000 metal–organic frameworks
World's first commercial MOF keeps fruit fresh
Packaging releases plant growth regulator that slows down ripening
Oxidants help prime explosive MOFs
Small oxidising molecules ignite potential of coordination polymers as a primary explosive
Explosive intermediates muzzled by crystalline sponge
Ozonide structures determined safely with room to adapt the technique to other unstable compounds
Naturally occurring MOFs found in coal mine minerals
Rare minerals overturn conventional wisdom that metal–organic frameworks are only found in the lab
Transition metal material captures inert neon
First interaction between neon and a transition metal could lead to selective gas capture
Membrane reactor turns methane into aromatics
Catalytic technology could turn untapped hydrocarbons into valuable chemical feedstocks
Fluorescent MOF gets billion-fold boost in conductivity
Filling framework with a conductive polymer paves the way for electronic applications
MOF in a bottle
Waste plastic bottles become a source for porous metal–organic framework synthesis
Gas trap could drive down cost of key commodity chemical
Material can separate contaminant from the world’s biggest organic chemical feedstuff – ethylene – and cut its carbon footprint
Disciplines unite to strengthen MOFs
Mechanical engineering sheds light on rigidity of porous frameworks
Nanodots pencil in way to boost solar cells
Nanoparticles made from pencils’ graphite show interesting optoelectronic properties
First permanently porous liquid created
Clever trick enables the design of a new class of material with interesting properties