Porous materials – Page 6
The dream of zeolite design
Zeolites are important industrial catalysts, so why can’t chemists make them to order? Andrew Turley finds out
Chemistry World podcast – September 2015
In this months podcast, we discuss Ebola and malaria vaccines in the pipeline, the history of peer review, and managing the mountain of chemical data
Coating can drive down white LED light prices
Luminescent metal–organic framework films may supplant expensive, rare earth-based LED coatings
Zeolite packaging to fight durian fruit stench
Cheap odour-eating films can capture nasty smells and could soon find their way into clothing as well as food wrapping
Tailored zeolite synthesis takes a big step forward
New zeolites first predicted and then made in potential boon for industrial catalysis
MOF blends oxidiser with fuel for a precise bang
Safe and simple scaffold gives consistent explosive mix
ZIF-8 disrupts ionic liquid deep freeze
Unusual ionic conducting framework retains conductivity at −20°C to open up a promising class of electrolytes
MOF catalyst capable of disabling chemical weapons
Zirconium-based framework breaks down nerve agent mimic within 30 seconds
Molecular shuttle slides into the solid state
Rotaxane ‘switch’ has been successfully wedded to a metal–organic framework
Floppy polymer defies convention to form rigid framework
Hybrid metal–organic frameworks could be engineered with a whole set of new properties
Defective by design
Structural disorder brings out desirable but counterintuitive phenomenon in metal–organic framework
The Goldilocks of heterogeneous catalysis
Dangling thiols anchor palladium within MOF without poisoning its catalytic activity
Spicing up MOFs
Framework based on the turmeric pigment curcumin delivers two drugs for the price of one
Nanoporous methane storage – an impossible target?
Identifying performance limits for nanoporous materials highlights that current methane storage goals might be unrealistic
MOF sensor sniffs out ammonia
First chemical sensor made from a 2D metal organic framework unveiled
Zeolites net new carbon allotropes
Six new forms of carbon predicted using known topologies from the zeolite field
Molecular sieve membranes look to greener separations
Coating micron-scale fibres’ inner surfaces with a MOF membrane could slash propylene production energy consumption
Tiny insights
Chemists and materials scientists are adopting a range of three-dimensional imaging techniques to reveal structural secrets. Andy Extance looks inside their work