All Publishing articles
The right level of trust in the scientific literature
An overreliance on what’s gone before can hinder innovation
High profile chemistry journal removed from Web of Science index
Elsevier journal delisted over editorial quality concerns
One Nation One Subscription sees India grant researchers access to 13,000 journals
Scheme will involve 30 major publishers opening their journals to over 6000 institutions
Thousands of published studies may contain images with incorrect copyright licences
Questions raised over copyright licence that covers images created using scientific illustration service Biorender
Chemist found to have falsified data in 42 papers has notched up 13 retractions so far
Investigating committee at Japanese institute found senior scientist Naohiro Kameta solely responsible for the misconduct
Open letter from fraud sleuths raises concerns over research integrity at Scientific Reports
Springer Nature singled out over ‘seriously flawed’ peer review in journal
‘Stealth corrections’ uncovered in scientific journals, raising transparency concerns
Scientific integrity sleuths discovered 131 cases of publishers making unacknowledged changes
Widespread signs of paper milling discovered in materials science and engineering papers
Metadata in images of scanning electron microscopes doesn’t match the make and model of the instrument in thousands of papers
Will open science change chemistry?
While more researchers are adopting open access, open data, open peer review and open projects, some significant barriers are hindering progress
Award-winning chemist threatens to sue critic
Tensions flare in latest dispute over spherical nucleic acid technology
How hoarding knowledge is hurting the industry in the long run
Sharing results that are not commercially viable would speed up research
Elemental analysis under scrutiny again as competition raises accuracy questions
Doubts grow over the standard used by journals as competition highlights 26% failure rate with simple molecule
Japanese chemistry institute sues archival site for hosting discontinued journal
Case could set an important precedent if it reaches court
Head of Japanese research university faces misconduct allegations
Kyoto Institute of Technology’s president under scrutiny over alleged data duplications across 34 research papers
US–China tensions appear to be damaging countries’ science, analysis finds
Ethnically Chinese students pursuing PhDs in the US dropped along with productivity of ethnically Chinese scientists
Springer Nature staff squeezed by cost of living crisis go on strike over pay
Over 200 editors, journalists and production staff are taking industrial action over the next six weeks
Nineteen journals shut down by Wiley following delisting and paper mill problems
Issues with manufactured manuscripts are a problem the whole publishing industry faces
Gender equality report highlights progress and challenges for women in research
41% of the world’s researchers are female, but women are underrepresented as authors of papers and patents
Expressions of concern added to more than 60 articles in chemistry journal
Elsevier scrutinising further articles in the journal as it attempts to discover what happened