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The double slit experiment shows that the unit of matter is interacting in itself and showing wavelike distribution of position. This unit of matter is either occupying multiple spaces simultaneously or reaching through time to interact with itself (given the interlaced nature of spacetime, perhaps both). I believe the author's premise is incorrect, at the very simplest the unit of matter could be described as a wave, likely something even more elusive, given that we got physical evidence from the double slit experiment, much more than just a mathematical concept. Unless the particle is dragging along the probability distribution equation along with it, there is physical wave like behavior going on here, which we can plainly see from a hundred years old experiment. This means that something non-classical is going on here. The wave function gives you a probability distribution curve, but the electron double slit experiment gives you the same result a physical wave would get. If you consider the wave like form of matter is caused by quantum entanglement, then decoherence occuring when the unit of matter entangles strongly with it new partner, the measurement apparatus, the measurement apparatus would have the only "perspective" or entanglement state to measure the particle itself.

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