Rupo Mapanga
Rupo recently completed her degree in chemistry from Loughborough University, UK. During this, she worked at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility and had the opportunity to learn about the fascinating research being conducted there: from investigations into pasta to how mammals survive in deep pressures underwater. Rupo relayed this science to people of all ages through workshops and events. This placement ignited her passion for science communication and public engagement and pushed her to intern at Chemistry World to discover alternative methods to communicate science to the public.
Rupo is intrigued by biochemistry specifically food chemistry, photochemistry (ie bioluminescence) and phenomena in the natural world.
- Research
Unprecedented natural products uncovered in springtails
Highly hetero-substituted benzenes serve as chemical deterrents for species of insect-like creatures
- News
Global ‘census’ of chemistry on YouTube finds thriving ecosystem of indie producers
Chemistry channels are primarily made up of independents with no affiliation with an institution or organisation but a passion to talk science
- Research
Scratch-resistant metal oxide films made with simple printing technique
The easy-to-make ultrathin materials are flexible, transparent and ideally suited for use in smartphone screens
- Research
Reversible 3D images displayed in light-activated material
Images are printed, erased and animated in polymer-based handheld device
- Research
Hydrogen bonding helps to maintain tear film stability
Research uncovers how hydroxyl-containing solutes delay eye dewetting process
- Research
Uranium trichloride exhibits transient covalency when hot
Neutron scattering and computational experiments reveal an unusual heterogeneous bonding environment
- Research
Iron coatings help Komodo dragons maintain their sharp ziphodont teeth
Research sheds light on structure–function relationships in teeth of carnivorous reptiles
- Research
Imaging study illuminates new type of electrical tree
Fresh perspective on mechanism and products of dielectric breakdown