Science and chemistry-themed puzzles, including wordoku, quick and cryptic crosswords. Test your chemistry knowledge and puzzle-solving skills
If cryptic crosswords aren’t challenging enough for you, try this jumbo one that only uses letters found in elemental symbols
Can you get all three of the 15-character answers in this cryptic chemistry crossword puzzle?
Can you find all the chemical elements hiding in this cryptic chemistry crossword puzzle?
Graze extreme tundra and upset a shark to solve this cryptic chemistry crossword
Try this cryptic chemistry crossword puzzle on for size today!
Acronyms, Agatha Christie and artifacts all feature in this quick chemistry crossword
You’ll need to know some geology, chemistry and history to solve this quick chemistry crossword
From Caribbean islands to the river Thames, this quick chemistry crossword will test your knowledge
More grid, more clues, more puzzle!
To solve this quick chemistry crossword you’ll need to know your enzymes, acids and compounds!
Try this brain teaser and tease out the biotech company
Place the letters perfectly to pinpoint the polysaccharide
Can you find the chemistry Nobel laureate in this wordoku?