Simon Hadlington
- Research
Designer rhodium catalyst targets selected C–H bonds
Catalyst’s carbene pocket shows a preference for specific links without needing a directing group
- Research
Elusive Suzuki intermediates finally captured
Backing for model that ‘jumped straight into textbooks’ without any experimental evidence
- Research
Water hydrogen bonds tunnel in tandem
Cog-like interactions seen between molecules in ‘smallest droplet’ of water
- Research
Molecular surgery stitches up water dimer in fullerene cage
First isolation of dimer to aid fundamental studies of hydrogen bonding
- Research
Slippery slope to harvesting water from air
Surface draws inspiration from a beetle, cactus and carnivorous plant to capture condensation 10 times better than state-of-the-art materials
- Research
Boost for non-animal toxicology testing
Thousands of compounds have been screened in a bid to develop in vitro toxicity tests
- Research
New shape memory polymer with a permanent twist
Material can flip between shapes but its resting shape can be remodelled without wiping the memory of other shapes
- Research
Molecular robot opens the way to nano-assembly lines
Arm can pick up, place and release molecule cargo mimicking factory assembly line
- Research
New camera makes methane visible
Infrared technique could be used to audit greenhouse gas sources such as factories, power stations and farms
- Research
Move over moonshine, here comes sunshine
New twist on distillation efficiently separates ethanol from water using light
- Research
Jurassic pigment structure elucidation tickles chemists pink
Unusual boron-based molecule found in ancient algae fossil throws light on natural product evolution
- Research
DNA movement through motor proteins measured
Researchers measure movement of DNA along motor protein in unprecedented detail
- Research
Air pollution model predicts 6.6 million deaths by 2050
‘Business as usual’ scenarios suggest toxic emissions could kill millions of people in the near future
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Mutant plant can mop up explosives
Enzyme deficiency allows plant to thrive on soil contaminated with TNT
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AFM takes first step to unravel asphaltene make-up
Understanding complex crude oil molecules will help to model oil reservoirs and enhance recovery
- Research
New two-dimensional tin material created
First ever synthesis of stanene will give scientists the opportunity to see if its electronic properties are as odd as predicted
- Research
Refining Avogadro’s number on way to new kilo
Most precise value yet reduces uncertainty down to 20 atoms in a billion
- Research
Tailored zeolite synthesis takes a big step forward
New zeolites first predicted and then made in potential boon for industrial catalysis
- Research
Regulators have drug firms chasing phantom impurity
Mutagenic contaminants that supposedly form in sulfonic acid salts are highly unlikely to arise
- Research
Molecular pump points way to non-equilibrium chemistry
Chemical system mimics nature’s trick of accumulating molecules against a concentration gradient