All The crucible articles – Page 3
Volta’s ink spills its secrets
Chemical analysis of manuscripts can reveal details of their author’s life and motivations
A vaccine for all seasons?
Phase 1 clinical trials have begun on a candidate that could work against a wide range of flu viruses
Hidden details in iconic portrait of Lavoisiers reveal fears of coming revolution
As the French Revolution neared the Lavoisiers were reimagined as scientific progressives rather than out of touch aristocrats
Science is political
The personal values held by scientists should influence the accolades they receive
Furin fundamentals
There’s no direct evidence for the lab leak hypothesis – and the biochemistry of the virus might not tell us much about it
Learning the language of chemistry
Artificial intelligence works out the grammar of chemical reactions
Rewards based on priority drive unnecessary competition
The story of Crispr illustrates how a focus on patents and publications can cause good people to act in unsavoury ways
When does a hydrogen bond become a covalent bond?
Ultrafast infrared spectroscopy probes the character of the short, strong bonds in HF2–
Behind the screens of AlphaFold
Predicting protein structure doesn’t necessarily say much about function
Pseudoscience moving into the mainstream
Pseudoscience now has more serious consequences than a few bent spoons
The ethical debate around Crispr
The gene editing technique deserves its Nobel Prize, but we should continue to interrogate how it is used
The true value of scientific holy grails
It comes from the journey, not the goal writes Philip Ball
Making light of bioluminescence
Glowing may be a side-effect of a very different original purpose
Viewing science as a meritocracy allows prejudice to persist
Tomáš Hudlický’s opinions are abhorrent but disturbingly familiar
Molecular dynamics used to simulate 100 million atoms
At the point of simulating bulk matter
Arbitrary questions don’t count as education
Students should be encouraged to do more than regurgitate what they are told