All ultracold articles
New ‘supermolecule’ demonstrated for the first time at record-breaking ultracold temperature
Largest polyatomic molecule created and stabilised at just above absolute zero provides new insights into quantum chemistry
Searching for new physics using ultracold molecules
‘Clock transitions’ could make it possible to discover if a flaw in the Standard Model exists – without the need for high-energy particle colliders
Unique molecular state at ultracold temperatures points way to controlling chemical reactions
Deeper understanding of interactions close to absolute zero could also aid creation of exotic quantum matter
Polyatomic molecule cooled to almost absolute zero
Ultracold calcium monohydroxide created in magneto-optical trap
Rydberg atoms can form molecular bonds with charged species
Researchers observe unusual bond, which is substantially longer than classical covalent interactions
Magnetic fields can have a huge impact on reactivity of ultracold molecules
Probability of a reaction occurring increases 100-fold and points to quantum control of chemistry
Levitating glass bead closes in on quantum mechanics' fundamental limit
Two different methods track position and speed of an ultracold glass sphere with a precision that comes close to the limit set by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle
Reaction between ultracold molecules reveals limits of quantum statistics
Real-world molecules don’t always follow the quantum-statistical model
First quantum degenerate molecules unite in chemical go-slow
Potassium–rubidium at 50 billionths above absolute zero reacts at a quarter of expected speed thanks to quantum effects
Ultracold molecules are poised to unearth chemistry’s foundations
Molecules close to absolute zero will soon help chemists unravel the toughest questions about why reactions occur at all
Spins doctor water’s reactivity
Ultracold experiments reveal water isomers have different reaction rates