All articles by Victoria Gill – Page 5
The brain's insatiable appetite revealed
The will to diet may not be enough; obesity reprogrammes the brain to just keep on eating
Protein stops HIV infection in its tracks
Scientists have discovered a protein that might pave the way to an improved generation of anti-HIV gels
Antioxidant supplements do more harm than good
Survey of studies finds that some supplements increase the risk of mortality
Women honoured with international prize
The 2007 L'Oreal Unesco awards honour women in materials science.
Novartis contests India's patent law
Drug company accuses India of failing to comply with WTO patent regulations.
Simple hormone treatment cures lethal heart condition
Heart disease cured with a hormone-based drug already prescribed for breast feeding mothers.
AstraZeneca follows Pfizer in slashing workforce
Job cuts herald turbulent times for pharmaceutical industry.
LSD reveals its secrets
The mechanism behind mind-bending trips caused by hallucinogens has been uncovered by a US study.
How to survive at 400 degrees C
Snapshot of the proteins that make life possible next to volcanic vents.
PEG-ing makes cheaper drugs for developing countries
UK and India combine efforts and create affordable hepatitis C treatment
Alzheimer's protein fingerprint
A series of proteins in cerebrospinal fluid distinguish Alzheimer's disease from other neurodegenerative disorders.
Metabolic profiling could improve animal experiments
Tests on lab critters must be more relevant to human trials, scientists say
Treasures from the deep
Mining companies are exploring underwater volcanic vents, hoping to extract metals such as gold and copper. Victoria Gill looks at the technical, environmental and political hurdles
Organophosphate study reprieved
Defra says sheep dip research can continue - with fundamental changes
Bacteria that help fight cancer
Bacterial protein treats cancer by releasing drugs from liposome carriers.